Amping and amplification in dB gain voltage power amplifier electronics - sengpielaudio
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Amplifier  Conversion - Gain / Loss
Gain means signal strength (amplitude) or amplification.
In audio we use only voltage amplification. Forget the power.

The amplification factor, also called gain, is the extent to which an active device boosts the strength of a signal.
The damping factor, also called loss, is the extent to which a passive device reduces the strength of a signal.
Amplification means voltage ratio
V2 / V1 = Vout / Vin, and voltage gain in dB = 20 × log (V2 / V1).

Convert  Decibels to Voltage  Gain / Loss

Gain in decibel (+dB)
Loss in decibel (−dB)

Voltage Ratio Gain
Voltage Ratio Loss


● Convert Voltage Gain / Loss to Decibels ●

Voltage Ratio Gain
Voltage Ratio Loss

Gain in decibel (+dB)
Loss in decibel (−dB)


• Voltage and Gain •

Enter any two values - the third will be calculated.

 Reference voltage V0 
Measured voltage V 
Gain G or LV  dB
Voltage Ratio and Voltage Level Formula Voltage Level
V0 = 1 Volt

Amplification and Damping

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the

Gain factor v = V2V1 (ratio)
for field sizes, e.g. voltage
 ↔  Amplification level L  
voltage level
Formula Factor   Formula Amplification
0 dB = voltage gain v = 1

Gain and Loss

Gain is:
1) A knob usually found at the top of each input channel on the sound board, used
to set input levels of the separate channels to relatively equal positions.
2) The amount of increase in audio signal strength, often expressed in dB.

Gain:The measure of how much a circuit amplifies a signal. Gain may be stated as
a ratio of input to output voltage,current or power, such as a voltage gain of 4, or a
power gain of 2, or it can be expressed in decibels, such as a line amplifier with a
gain of 10 dB.

Conductive Hearing Loss: a loss of sensitivity to sound, resulting from an
abnormality or blockage of the outer ear or the middle ear. The most common
cause of conductive hearing loss is middle ear fluid or infection. Other causes
include wax build-up in the ear canal, a hole in the eardrum, or damage to the tiny
bones of the middle ear.

Gain or Loss: These are reciprocal numbers; they will be given in several ways.
Usually it is expressed as a ratio. It can be stated as ratio of the primary to
secondary impedances of an audio transformer.
This is given by gain or loss = formula 1
This voltage can also be expressed in dB as well.
It is given by the formula: formula
also voltages across the primary and secondary.

dB (decibel): A technique for expressing voltage,power, gain, loss, or frequency in
logarithmic form against a reference.Typical references include volts, watts or Hz.
DeciBels are calculated using the expression: Level in decibel L = 20 × log (x/y) or
L = 10 · log (x/y).

Voltage Controlled Attenuator (VCA):
Similar to a voltage controlled amplifier except that the amplifier will, with no control
voltage sent to it, have no gain and no loss; as an increasing control voltage is sent
to it, the amplifier reduces gain, causing an amplitude loss of signal strength.

Sound level, loudness, and sound pressure are not the same things.
There are variations in individual perception of the strength of sound.
The sound pressure measured twice as much gives 6 dB more level.
The sound perceived twice as loud needs roughly an increase in
sound level by 10 dB.

Common Gains and Losses Expressed in Decibels
Notice: Power gain is not used in audio engineering.

as a ratio
as a factor
  Gain/loss in dB  
  Field sizes  
(Voltage gain)
 Gain/loss in dB  
Energy sizes
(Power gain)
10,000:1   10,000   +80.00 dB +40.00 dB
1,000:1  1,000   +60.00 dB +30.00 dB
  100:1   100 +40.00 dB +20.00 dB
    10:1     10 +20.00 dB +10.00 dB
      5:1       5 +13.98 dB   +6.99 dB
      4:1       4 +12.04 dB      +6.02 dB ●
      2:1       2       +6.02 dB ●   +3.01 dB
      1:1       1     0,00 dB     0.00 dB
      1:2          0.5       −6.02 dB ●   −3.01 dB
      1:4            0.25 −12.04 dB      −6.02 dB ●
      1:5          0.2 −13.98 dB   −6.99 dB
        1:10          0.1 −20.00 dB −10.00 dB
          1:100            0.01 −40.00 dB −20.00 dB
            1:1,000              0.001 −60.00 dB −30.00 dB
              1:10,000                0.0001 −80.00 dB −40.00 dB

40 dB voltage gain (amplitude) is 100 times the voltage factor (amplitude).
40 dB power gain is 10,000 times the power factor.

Voltage Gain = Voltage Amplification and Power Gain = Power amplification

Voltage (amplitude) gain   Power (energy) gain
Voltage ratio
Factor V2/V1
Voltage amplification
GV in dB
  Power ratio
Factor P2/P1
Power amplification
GP in dB
103 +60     106 +60  
102 +40     104 +40  
101 +20     102 +20  
√10 = 3.16 +10     10   +10  
2 +6   4 +6
√2 = 1.414 +3   2 +3
1 ±0   1 ±0
1/√2 = 0.7071 −3     1/2 = 0.5 −3
1/2 = 0.5 −6       1/4 = 0.25 −6
1/√10 = 0.316 −10     10−1 = 0.1 −10  
10−1 = 0.1   −20     10−2 = 0.01 −20  
10−2 = 0.01 −40     10−4 = 0.0001 −40  
   10−3 = 0.001 −60     10−6 = 0.000001 −60  
V2/V1 = 10(GV in dB/20) GV = 20×log (V2/V1)   P2/P1 = 10(GP in dB/10) GP = 10×log (P2/P1)
How many decibels (dB) level change is twice (double, half) or three times as loud?
The dependence of sound levels in dB and their factors − Measurements and perceptions
What is Amplitude? - Amplitude of a sound - Good question: What is meant by amplitude?
Table of Sound Levels (dB Scale) − Corresponding Units of Sound Pressure and Sound Intensity
Convert number relations (ratio) to dB level − number − factor − ratio − parameter
Conversion of Factor, Ratio, or Gain to a Level Value
Gain and Loss − Field sizes and energy sizes
The decibel calculator (dB) − a valuable tool
Calculation: Amplification (gain) and damping (loss) as level in decibels
Amplifier Conversion − Gain / Loss
Calculation Voltage Gain and Power Gain − Voltage Loss and Power Loss
Comparative representation of sound field sizes and sound energy sizes
Conversion of sound units (levels)
How to calculate decibels?
The word "power amplifier" is a misnomer - especially in audio engineering.
Voltage and current can be amplified. The strange term "power amplifier" has
become understood to mean an amplifier that is intended to drive a load such
as a loudspeaker.
We call the product of current and voltage gain "power amplification".

For an amplifier with an amplification factor of 100, calculate the following:
a) voltage gain in dB.
b) voltage gain at the cutoff frequency (break frequency) in dB.
c) amplification factor at the cutoff frequency (break frequency).
a) amplification factor 100 = gain 40 dB
b) gain at the cutoff frequency is 3 dB, so it is 37 dB.
c) gain 37 dB = amplification factor 70.7 at the cutoff frequency.
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