Conversion of time units conversions - As time goes by - sengpielaudio
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Conversions of time units
Time  conversion
Conversion of international time units
seconds (s): 
minutes (min): 
hours (h): 
normal year (365 days): 
everage year
(365 days, 5 h, 48 min, 47 s): 
leap year (366 days): 

Conversion: milliseconds and microseconds to seconds and more

Conversions of many more time units

Fractions of a second Metric name
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 yoctosecond [ ys ]
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 zeptosecond [ zs ]
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 attosecond [ as ]
0.000 000 000 000 001 femtosecond [ fs ]
0.000 000 000 001 [ trillionth ] picosecond [ ps ]
0.000 000 001 [ billionth ] nanosecond [ ns ]
0.000 001 [ millionth ] microsecond [µs ]
0.001 [ thousandth ] millisecond [ ms ]
0.01 [ hundredth ] centisecond [ cs ]
1.0 second [ s ]
Seconds to years  
60 seconds = 1 minute [ mean solar ]
59.83617 seconds = 1 minute [ sidereal ]
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
3,600 seconds = 1 hour
86,400 seconds = 1 day [ mean solar ]
86,164.09 seconds = 1 day [ sidereal ]
7 days = 1 week
168 hours = 1 week
14 days = 1 fortnight
28, 29, 30 or 31 days = 1 month
365 days = 1 year
366 days = 1 leap year
12 months = 1 year
31,536,000 seconds = 1 year [ calendar ]
31,558,150 seconds = 1 year [ sidereal ]
31,556,930 seconds = 1 year [ tropical ]
9,460,550,000,000,000 metres = 1 light year
299,792,458 metres per second ( m/s ) = speed of light
parsec = approx. 3.25 light years
Year intervals - anniversaries Number of years
Biennial 2
Triennial 3
Quadrennial 4
Quinquennial 5
Hexennial 6
Septennial 7
Octennial 8
Novennial 9
Decennial 10
Hendecennial 11
Duodecennial 12
Tredecennial 13
Quindecennial 15
Sextodecennial 16
Septendecennial 17
Vigintennial 20
Trigentennial 30
Quadragennial 40
Quinquagenary 50
Sexagennial 60
Septuagennial 70
Septuagesiquintennial 75
Octogintennial 80
Nonagintennial 90
Centennial 100
Quasquicentennial 125
Sesquicentennial 150
or Septaquintaquinquecentennial
Bicentennial 200
Quasquibicentennial 225
Semiquincentennial 250
Tercentennial 300
Semiseptcentennial 350
Quatercentenary 400
Quincentennial 500
Sexcentennial 600
Septcentennial 700
Octocentennial 800
Millenial 1,000
Quindecimillenial 15,000

Time conversion chart

Convert from:    to: multiply by:
day (d) second (s) 8.64 E+04
day (sidereal) second (s) 8.616409 E+04
hour (h) second (s) 3.6 E+03
hour (sidereal) second (s) 3.590170 E+03
minute (min) second (s) 6.0 E+01
minute (sidereal) second (s) 5.983617 E+01
second (sidereal) second (s) 9.972696 E-01
shake second (s) 1.0 E-08
shake nanosecond (ns) 1.0 E+01
year (365 days) second (s) 3.1536 E+07
year (sidereal) second (s) 3.155815 E+07
year (tropical) second (s) 3.155693 E+07

1 mean solar unit = 1.00273791 sidereal units
1 sidereal unit = 0.99726957 mean solar unit
1 microsecond = 0.000001 second

1 second = 1,000,000 microseconds
= 0.01666667 minute
= 0.00027778 hour
= 0.00001157 day

1 minute= 60 seconds
= 0.01666667 hour
= 0.00069444 day

1 hour = 3,600 seconds
= 60 minutes
= 0.04166667 day

1 mean solar day = 24h 03m 56s55536 of mean sidereal time
= 1 rotation of earth with respect to sun (mean)
= 1.00273791 rotations of earth w/respect to Aries (mean)
= 1.0027378118868 rotations of earth w/respect to stars(mean)

1 mean sidereal day = 23h 56m 04s09054 of mean solar time

1 sidereal month = 27.321661 days
= 27d 07h 43m 11s5

1 synodical month = 29.530588 days
= 29d 12h 44m 02s8

1 tropical (normal) year = 31,556,925.975 seconds
= 525,948.766 minutes
= 8,765.8128 hours
= 365d.242198 -0d.0000000614(t-1900), where t = the year
= 365d 05h 48m 46s (-) 0s 0053t

1 sidereal year = 365d.25636042+0.0000000011(t-1900),
where t = the year = 365d 06h 09m 09s.5 (+) 0s.0001t

1 normal calendar year = 31,536,000 seconds
= 525,600 minutes
= 8,760 hours
= 365 days

1 calendar year (leap) = 31,622,400 seconds
= 528,040 minutes
= 8,784 hours
= 366 days

1 light-year = 9,460,000,000,000 kilometers
= 5,880,000,000,000 statute miles
= 5,110,000,000,000 nautical miles
= 63,240 astronomical units
= 0.3066 parsecs

1 parsec = 30,860,000,000,000 kilometers
= 19,170,000,000,000 statute miles
= 16,660,000,000,000 NM
= 206,300 astronomical units
= 3.262 light years

1 astronomical unit = 149,600,000 kilometers
= 92,960,000 statute miles
= 80,780,000 nautical miles
= 499s.012 light-time
= mean distance, earth to sun

Mean distance earth-moon = 384,400 kilometers
= 238,855 statute miles
= 207,559 nautical miles

Mean distance earth to sun = 149,600,000 kilometers
= 92,957,000 statute miles
= 80,780,000 nautical miles
= 1 astronomical unit

Sun's diameter = 1,392,000 kilometer
= 865,000 statute miles
= 752,000 nautical miles

Speed of sun relative to neighbouring stars= 19.4 kilometers per second
= 12.1 statute miles per second
= 10.5 nautical miles per second

Orbital speed of earth = 29.8 kilometers per second
= 18.5 statute miles per second
= 16.1 nautical miles per second

Obliquity of the ecliptic = 23º 27' 08".26 - 0".4684 (t - 1900), where t = the year

General precession of the equinoxes = 50".2564 + 0".000222 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year

Precession of the equinoxes in right ascension = 46".0850 + 0".000279 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year

Precession of the equinoxes in declination = 20".0468-0".000085 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year

Name of time unit, t Symbol Definition Relation to SI unit s
second s -  second = SI base unit
Planck time - ≡ √(Gℏ/c5) ≈ 1.351 211 818×10−43 s
atomic unit of time au ≡ a0/(α·c) ≈ 2.418 884 254×10−17 s
svedberg S ≡ 10−13 s = 100 fs
shake - ≡ 10−8 s = 10 ns
sigma - ≡ 10−6 s = 1 μs
jiffy - ≡ 1/60 s ≈ 16.666 667 ms
jiffy (alternate) - ≡ 1/100 s ≈ 10 ms
helek - ≡ 1/1080 h ≈ 3.333333 s
minute min   ≡ 60 s
moment - ≡ 90 s ≡ 90 s
ke (traditional) - ≡ 1/100 d ≡ 864 s
quarter (of an h) ke ≡ 1/96 d ≡ 900 s
hour h ≡ 60 min = 3600 s
day d ≡ 24 h = 86 400 s
week wk ≡ 7 d = 604 800 s
fortnight - ≡ 2 wk = 1 209 600 s
month (hollow) mo ≡ 29 d = 2 505 600 s
month mo ≡ 30 d = 2 592 000 s
month (full) mo ≡ 31 d = 2 678 400 s
year (Calendar) a or y ≡ 365 d = 31 536 000 s
year (Gregorian) a or y ≡ 365.2425 d = 31 556 952 s
year (Julian) a or y ≡ 365.25 d = 31 557 600 s
sideral year a or y ≡ 365.256363 d = 31 558 149.76 s
Olympiad - ≡ 4 a of 365 d = 1.2614×108 s
lustre; lustrum - ≡ 5 a of 365 d = 1.5768×108 s
octaeteris - ≡ 8 a of 365 d = 2.522 88×108 s
decade - ≡ 10 a of 365 d = 3.1536×108 s
enneade caeteris; Metonic cycle - ≡110 mo (hollow) + 125 mo (full)
= 19 a of 365 d
= 5.996 16×108 s
Callippic cycle - ≡441 mo (hollow) + 499 mo (full)
= 76 a of 365.25 d
= 2.398 377 6×109 s
century (Calendar) - ≡ 100 a of 365 d = 3.1536×109 s
century (Julian) - ≡ 100 a of 365.25 d = 3.155 76×109 s
Hipparchic cycle - ≡ 4 Callippic cycles - 1 d = 9.593 424×109 s
millennium (Calendar) - ≡ 1000 a of 365 d = 3.1536×1010 s
millennium (Gregorian) - ≡ 1000 a of 365.2425 d = 3.155 695 2×1010 s
millennium (Julian) - ≡ 1000 a of 365.25 d = 3.155 76×1010 s
Sothic cycle - ≡ 1461 a of 365 d = 4.607 409 6×1010 s

Convert Unix TimesStamp to Readable Date/time
(based on seconds since standard epoch of 1/1/1970)
UNIX TimeStamp:
Convert a Date/Time to a Unix TimeStamp
(based on seconds since standard epoch of 1/1/1970)
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