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Umrechnungen weiterer Zeit-Einheiten Umrechnung: Millisekunden und Mikrosekunden in Sekunden |
Umrechnungstabelle: Zeit
Umrechnung von: | nach: | multipliziere mit: |
Tag (d) | Sekunde (s) | 8,64·104 |
Tag (siderisch) | Sekunde (s) | 8,616409·104 |
Stunde (h) | Sekunde (s) | 3,6·103 |
Stunde (siderisch) | Sekunde (s) | 3,590170·103 |
Minute (min) | Sekunde (s) | 6,0·101 |
Minute (siderisch) | Sekunde (s) | 5,983617·101 |
Sekunde (siderisch) | Sekunde (s) | 9,972696·10-1 |
shake | Sekunde (s) | 1,0·10-8 |
shake | Nanosekunde (ns) | 1,0·101 |
Jahr (365 Tage) | Sekunde (s) | 3,1536·107 |
Jahr (sidereal) | Sekunde (s) | 3,155815·107 |
Jahr (tropisch) | Sekunde (s) | 3,155693·107 |
Teile einer Sekunde | Metrischer Name |
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | Yoctosekunde [ ys ] |
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | Zeptosekunde [ zs ] |
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 | Attosekunde [ as ] |
0.000 000 000 000 001 | Femtosekunde [ fs ] |
0.000 000 000 001 [ trillionth ] | Picosekunde [ ps ] |
0.000 000 001 [ billionth ] | Nanosekunde [ ns ] |
0.000 001 [ millionth ] | Microsekunde [µs ] |
0.001 [ thousandth ] | Millisekunde [ ms ] |
0.01 [ hundredth ] | Zentisekunde [ cs ] |
1.0 | Sekunde [ s ] |
Sekunden bis Jahre | |
60 Sekunden | = 1 Minute [ mean solar ] |
59,83617 Sekunden | = 1 Minute [ sidereal ] |
60 Minuten | = 1 Stunde |
24 Stunden | = 1 Tag |
3.600 Sekunden | = 1 Stunde |
86.400 Sekunden | = 1 Tag [ mean solar ] |
86.164,09 Sekunden | = 1 Tag [ sidereal ] |
7 Tage | = 1 Woche |
168 Stunden | = 1 Woche |
14 Tage | = 1 Vierzehntage |
28, 29, 30 or 31 Tage | = 1 Monat |
365 Tage | = 1 Jahr |
366 Tage | = 1 Schaltjahr |
12 Monate | = 1 Jahr |
31.536.000 Sekunden | = 1 Jahr [ calendar ] |
31.558.150 Sekunden | = 1 Jahr [ sidereal ] |
31.556.930 Sekunden | = 1 Jahr [ tropical ] |
9.460.550.000.000.000 Meter | = 1 Lichtjahr |
299.792.458 metres per second ( m/s ) | = Lichtgeschwindigkeit |
Parsec | = ca. 3,25 Lichtjahre |
1 mean solar unit = 1.00273791 sidereal units 1 sidereal unit = 0.99726957 mean solar unit 1 microsecond = 0.000001 second 1 second = 1,000,000 microseconds = 0.01666667 minute = 0.00027778 hour = 0.00001157 day 1 minute= 60 Sekunden = 0.01666667 hour = 0.00069444 day 1 hour = 3,600 Sekunden = 60 minutes = 0.04166667 day 1 mean solar day = 24h 03m 56s55536 of mean sidereal time = 1 rotation of earth with respect to sun (mean) = 1.00273791 rotations of earth w/respect to Aries (mean) = 1.0027378118868 rotations of earth w/respect to stars(mean) 1 mean sidereal day = 23h 56m 04s09054 of mean solar time 1 sidereal month = 27.321661 days = 27d 07h 43m 11s5 1 synodical month = 29.530588 days = 29d 12h 44m 02s8 1 tropical (normal) year = 31,556,925.975 Sekunden = 525,948.766 minutes = 8,765.8128 hours = 365d.242198 -0d.0000000614(t-1900), where t = the year = 365d 05h 48m 46s (-) 0s 0053t 1 sidereal year = 365d.25636042+0.0000000011(t-1900), where t = the year = 365d 06h 09m 09s.5 (+) 0s.0001t 1 normal calendar year = 31,536,000 Sekunden = 525,600 minutes = 8,760 hours = 365 days 1 calendar year (leap) = 31,622,400 Sekunden = 528,040 minutes = 8,784 hours = 366 days 1 light-year = 9,460,000,000,000 kilometers = 5,880,000,000,000 statute miles = 5,110,000,000,000 nautical miles = 63,240 astronomical units = 0.3066 parsecs 1 parsec = 30,860,000,000,000 kilometers = 19,170,000,000,000 statute miles = 16,660,000,000,000 NM = 206,300 astronomical units = 3.262 light years 1 astronomical unit = 149,600,000 kilometers = 92,960,000 statute miles = 80,780,000 nautical miles = 499s.012 light-time = mean distance, earth to sun Mean distance earth-moon = 384,400 kilometers = 238,855 statute miles = 207,559 nautical miles Mean distance earth to sun = 149,600,000 kilometers = 92,957,000 statute miles = 80,780,000 nautical miles = 1 astronomical unit Sun's diameter = 1,392,000 kilometer = 865,000 statute miles = 752,000 nautical miles Speed of sun relative to neighbouring stars= 19.4 kilometers per second = 12.1 statute miles per second = 10.5 nautical miles per second Orbital speed of earth = 29.8 kilometers per second = 18.5 statute miles per second = 16.1 nautical miles per second Obliquity of the ecliptic = 23º 27' 08".26 - 0".4684 (t - 1900), where t = the year General precession of the equinoxes = 50".2564 + 0".000222 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year Precession of the equinoxes in right ascension = 46".0850 + 0".000279 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year Precession of the equinoxes in declination = 20".0468-0".000085 (t - 1900) per year, where t = the year |
Die Zeit misst man in folgenden Einheiten: 1 Jahr (a). Ein Jahr sind 12 Monate oder (in der Mathematik) 360 Tage 1 Monat (m). Ein Monat sind (in der Mathematik stets) 30 Tage 1 Woche (w). Eine Woche sind 7 Tage 1 Tag (d). Ein Tag hat 24 Stunden 1 Stunde (h). Eine Stunde hat 60 Minuten 1 Minute (min). Eine Minute hat 60 Sekunden 1 Sekunde (s). Eine Sekunde hat 1000 Millisekunden (ms) |
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