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von Eberhard Sengpiel - sengpielaudio
Suchbegriffe aus dem Gebiet der Tonstudiotechnik
Eberhard Sengpiel ( found in Papers of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) - AES E-Library Andreas Gernemann: Stereo+C: An All-Purpose Arrangement of Microphones Using Three Frontal Channels AES Convention: 110 (May 2001) - Paper Number: 5367 E-Library Location: (CD aes 18) /pp2001/pp0105/110112.pdf Jörg Wuttke: General Considerations on Audio Multi-Channel Recording AES Conference: 19th (June 2001) - Paper Number: 1892 E-Library Location: (CD aes 18) /intl2001/2001sc06/1892.pdf Helmut Wittek and Günther Theile: The Recording Angle - Based on Localisation Curves AES Convention: 112 (April 2002) - Paper Number: 5568 E-Library Location: (CD aes 19) /pp2002/pp0205/000253.pdf Edwin Pfanzagl-Cardone: In the Light of 5.1 Surround: Why "AB-Polycardioid Centerfill" (AB-PC) is Superior for Symphony-Orchestra Recording AES Convention: 112 (April 2002) - Paper Number: 5565 E-Library Location: (CD aes 19)/pp2002/pp0205/000211.pdf Gerhard Steinke: Room-acoustical and Technological Aspects for Mulichannel Recordings of Classic Music AES Convention: 112 (April 2002) - Paper Number: 5561 E-Library Location: (CD aes 19) /pp2002/pp0205/000145.pdf Clemens Kuhn, Renato Pellegrini, Etienne Corteel, Dieter Leckschat: An Approach to Miking and Mixing of Music Ensembles Using Wave Field Synthesis AES Convention: 115 (October 2003) - Paper Number: 5929 E-Library Location: (CD aes 20) /pp2003/pp0310/00007.pdf Ralph Kessler: An Optimized Method for Capturing Multidimensional "Acoustic Fingerprints" AES Convention: 118 (May 2005) - Paper Number: 6342 E-Library Location: (CD 118 Papers) /118/6342.pdf Ingolf Bork, Thomas Goerne, Udo Potratz: Designing Early Reflection Patterns Suitable for Audio Recordings by Means of Acoustic Modeling AES Convention: 118 (May 2005) - Paper Number: 6508 E-Library Location: (CD 118 Papers) /118/6508.pdf Jörg Wuttke: Surround Recording of Music: Problems and Solutions AES Convention: 119 (October 2005) - Paper Number: 6556 E-Library Location: (CD 119 Papers) /119/6556.pdf Martha de Francisco, Sungyoung Kim, William L. Martens, Atsushi Marui, Kent Walker: Examination of the Influence of Musical Selection on Listener Preferences for Multichannel Microphone Technique AES Conference: 28th International Conference (June 2006) - Paper Number: 9-2 E-Library Location: (CD 28th Papers) /28/aes28-000062.pdf Robert Hoeldrich, Edwin Pfanzagl-Cardone: Frequency-Dependent Signal-Correlation in Surround- and Stereo-Microphone Systems and the Blumlein-Pfanzagl-Triple (BPT) AES Convention: 124 (May 2008) - Paper Number: 7476 E-Library Location: (CD 124 Papers) /124/7476.pdf Jeroen Breebaart: Comparison of Interaural Intensity Differences Evoked by Real and Phantom Sources JAES: Volume 61, Issue 11, November 2013, pp. 850 - 859 E-Library Location: (CD JAES61) /jaes61/11/pg850.pdf Jeroen Breebaart: Comparison of Interaural Intensity Differences Evoked by Real and Phantom Sources |
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