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Conversion of sound units: pascals to dBSPL
More conversions of pressure or stress units
Unit | Conversions and Comments |
pascal (Pa) (Pa = N / m2) N = Newton |
1pascal (p = F / A) = the force F of 1 newton per square meter area (1 newton = the force, which is used
to accelerate 1 kilogram to 1 meter per second squared) 1 Pa ≡ 1 kg/(m · s2).
Force 1 N = 1 kg × m/s2. p = pressure; F = force; A = area 1 pascal = 10 dyne/cm2 = 0.01 mbar. 1 atm = 101325 pascal = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr = 14.696 psi. 1 Pa = 1 N / m² = 10−5 bar = 7.5×10−3 Torr = 0.987 atm = 1 Pa = 10 µbar. |
kilopascal (kPa) |
The prefix "kilo" means "1000", therefore is 1 kilopascal = 1000 Pa and 101.325 kPa = 1 atm = 760 torr and 100 kPa = 1 bar = 750 torr. |
megapascal (MPa) |
The prefix "mega" means "1000000", therefore is 1 megapascal = 1000 kPa = 1000000 Pa. These high pressures are very rare. |
gigapascal (GPa) |
The prefix "giga" means "1000000000", therefore is 1 gigapascal = 1000 MPa = 1000000 kPa = 1000000000 Pa = 9870 atm = 10000 bar. Pressures of some gigapascal can convert graphite to diamonds or can form from hydogenium a mtallic conductor. |
pounds per square inch (psi, PSI, lb/in2, lb/sq in) |
This unit is only used in the USA. Normal atmospheric pressure is 1 atm = 14.696 psi - that means, an air colum above us of an area of 1 square inch weighs 14.696 pounds. 1 lb/in2 = 6894.8 Pa =0.06895 bar 0,06804 atm = 51.715 Torr. |
atmosphere (atm) |
The normal air pressure is called "1 atmosphere". 1 atm = 14.6956 psi = 760 torr = 101325 Pa = 1.01325 bar. |
torr (Torr) |
Torricelli barometer design: One atmosphere pressure brings a colums of mercury in a Hg barometer to a height of 760 millimeter. The pressure, which brings a collum of mercury to 1 millimeter is called 1 Torr (1 mm Hg = 1 Torr). 1 atm = 760 Torr = 14.696 psi. 1 Torr = 1/760 atm. |
bar (bar) |
The bar is nearly idendic to the atmosphere unit. 1 bar = 750.062 torr = 0.9869 atm = 100000 Pa. Normal air pressure = 1.01325 bar = 1013.25 mbar. |
millibar (mb or mbar) |
1000 millibars are 1 bar. Meteorologists like this. 1 millibar = 0.001 bar = 0.750 Torr. 1 mbar = 100 Pa = 1 hectopascal. |
microbar (µb or µbar) |
1 microbar is 10−6 bar = 1 dyne/cm². 1µbar = 0.1 Pa. |
Pressure conversions
from | to | multiply by |
atmosphere | bar | 1.01325 |
atmosphere | dyne/cm2 = µbar | 1.01325×106 |
atmosphere | inch Hg | 29.9213 |
atmosphere | inch H2O | 406.86 |
atmosphere | kg/cm2 | 1.03325 |
atmosphere | mbar | 1013.25 |
atmosphere | mtorr = micron Hg | 7.6×105 |
atmosphere | Pa = N/m2 | 1.01325×105 |
atmosphere | PSI = lb/in2 | 14,696 |
atmosphere | torr = mm Hg | 760 |
bar | atmosphere | 0.98692 |
bar | dyn/cm2 = µbar | 1×106 |
bar | inch Hg | 29.54 |
bar | inch H2O | 401.65 |
bar | kg/cm2 | 1.02 |
bar | mbar | 1000 |
bar | mtorr = micron Hg | 7.5028×105 |
bar | Pa = N/m2 | 1×105 |
bar | psi = lb/in2 | 14.503861 |
bar | torr = mm Hg | 750.2838 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | atmosphere | 9.8692×10−7 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | bar | 1×10−6 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | inch Hg | 2.954×10−5 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | inch H2O | 4.0165×10−4 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | kg/cm2 | 1.0200×10−6 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | mbar | 1×10−3 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | mtorr = micron Hg | 0.75028 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | Pa = N/m2 | 0.1 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | psi = lb/in2 | 1.4508×10−5 |
dyne/cm2 = µbar | torr = mm Hg | 7.5028×10−4 |
inch Hg | atmosphere | 3.342×10−2 |
inch Hg | bar | 3.385×10−2 |
inch Hg | dyne/cm2 = µbar | 3.385×104 |
inch Hg | inch H2O | 1.598 |
inch Hg | kg/cm2 | 3.4532×10−2 |
inch Hg | mbar | 33.85 |
inch Hg | mtorr = micron Hg | 2.54×104 |
inch Hg | Pa = N/m2 | 3385 |
inch Hg | psi = lb/in2 | 0.4912 |
inch Hg | torr = mm Hg | 25.4 |
inch H2O | atmosphere | 2.458×10−3 |
inch H2O | bar | 2.489×10−3 |
inch H2O | dyn/cm2 = µbar | 2.489×103 |
inch H2O | kg/cm2 | 2.5396×10−3 |
inch H2O | inch Hg | 7.354×10−2 |
inch H2O | mbar | 2.489 |
inch H2O | mtorr = micron Hg | 1.868×10−3 |
inch H2O | Pa = N/m2 | 248,9 |
inch H2O | psi = lb/in2 | 3.612×10−2 |
inch H2O | torr = mm Hg | 1.868 |
kg/cm2 | atmosphere | 0.9678 |
kg/cm2 | bar | 0.9804 |
kg/cm2 | dyn/cm2 = µbar | 9.804×105 |
kg/cm2 | inch Hg | 28.958 |
kg/cm2 | inch H2O | 393.76 |
kg/cm2 | mbar | 9.804×102 |
kg/cm2 | mtorr = micron Hg | 7.3554×105 |
kg/cm2 | Pa = N/m2 | 9.804×104 |
kg/cm2 | psi = lb/in2 | 14.223 |
kg/cm2 | torr = mm Hg | 7.355×102 |
mbar | atmosphere | 9.8692×10−4 |
mbar | bar | 0.001 |
mbar | dyen/cm2 = µbar | 1000 |
mbar | kg/cm2 | 1.0200×10−3 |
mbar | inch Hg | 2.954×10−2 |
mbar | inch H2O | 0.4018 |
mbar | mtorr = micron Hg | 7.5028×102 |
mbar | Pa = N/m2 | 100 |
mbar | psi = lb/in2 | 1.450×10−2 |
mbar | torr = mm Hg | 0.75028 |
mtorr = micron Hg | atmosphere | 1.316×10−6 |
mtorr = micron Hg | bar | 1.3328×10−6 |
mtorr = micron Hg | dyne/cm2 = µbar | 1.3328 |
mtorr = micron Hg | kg/cm2 | 1.3595×10−6 |
mtorr = micron Hg | inch Hg | 3.937×10−5 |
mtorr = micron Hg | inch H2O | 5.353×10−4 |
mtorr = micron Hg | mbar | 1.3328×10−3 |
mtorr = micron Hg | Pa = N/m2 | 0.13328 |
mtorr = micron Hg | psi = lb/in2 | 1.934×10−5 |
mtorr = micron Hg | torr = mm Hg | 1×10−3 |
Pa = N/m2 | atmosphere | 9.8692×10−6 |
Pa = N/m2 | bar | 1×10−5 |
Pa = N/m2 | dyne/cm2 = µbar | 10 |
Pa = N/m2 | kg/cm2 | 1.020×10−5 |
Pa = N/m2 | inch Hg | 2.954×10−4 |
Pa = N/m2 | inch H2O | 4.018×10−3 |
Pa = N/m2 | mbar | 0.01 |
Pa = N/m2 | mtorr = micron Hg | 7.5028 |
Pa = N/m2 | psi = lb/in2 | 1.4508×10−4 |
Pa = N/m2 | torr = mm Hg | 7.5028×10−3 |
psi = lb/in2 | atmosphere | 0.06805 |
psi = lb/in2 | bar | 0.0689472 |
psi = lb/in2 | dyne/cm2 = µbar | 6.89472×104 |
psi = lb/in2 | kg/cm2 | 7.0309×10−2 |
psi = lb/in2 | inch Hg | 2.036 |
psi = lb/in2 | inch H2O | 27.68 |
psi = lb/in2 | mbar | 68.9472 |
psi = lb/in2 | mtorr = micron Hg | 5.171×104 |
psi = lb/in2 | Pa = N/m2 | 6.89476×103 |
psi = lb/in2 | torr = mm Hg | 51.71 |
torr = mm Hg | atmosphere | 1.3158×10−3 |
torr = mm Hg | bar | 1.3328×10−3 |
torr = mm Hg | dyn/cm2 = µbar | 1.3328×10−3 |
torr = mm Hg | kg/cm2 | 1.3595×10−3 |
torr = mm Hg | inch Hg | 3.937×10−2 |
torr = mm Hg | inch H2O | 0.5353 |
torr = mm Hg | mbar | 1.3328 |
torr = mm Hg | mtorr = micron Hg | 1000 |
torr = mm Hg | Pa = N/m2 | 133.28 |
torr = mm Hg | psi = lb/in2 | 1.934×10−2 |
Pressure conversion chart
Pa | bar | N/mm2 | kp/m2 | kp/cm2(at) | atm | Torr | |
1 Pa (N/m2) = | 1 | 10−5 | 10−6 | 0.102 | 0.102×10−4 | 0.987×10−5 | 0.0075 |
1 bar (daN/cm3) = |
100000 | 1 | 0.1 | 10200 | 1.02 | 0.987 | 750 |
1 N/mm2 = | 106 | 10 | 1 | 1.02×105 | 10.2 | 9.87 | 7500 |
1 mkp/m2 = | 9.81 | 9.81×10−5 | 9.81×10−6 | 1 | 10−4 | 0.968×10−4 | 0.0736 |
1 kp/m2 (1 at) = |
98100 | 0.981 | 0.0981 | 10000 | 1 | 0.968 | 736 |
1 atm (760 Torr) = |
101325 | 1.013 | 0.1013 | 10330 | 1.033 | 1 | 760 |
1 Torr = | 133 | 0.00133 | 1.33×10−4 | 13.6 | 0.00132 | 0.00132 | 1 |
Question: How does the air pressure change if the height changes 1 meter? The hydrostatic pressure is calculated according to Blaise Pascal: ![]() This law is also assumed as an air column. Height h = 1 m Standard gravitational acceleration is g = 9.80665 m/s2 Density of air at 20°C is ρ20 = 1.204 kg/m3 1 m height changes the air pressure at a constant temperature of 20°C by p = ρ20 ∙ g ∙ h = 1.204 kg/m3 × 9.80665 m/s2 × 1 m = 11.8 Pa (N/m²) But the temperature decreases with height! |
Conversion of sound units (levels)
Acoustic equivalent for ohm's law
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