Data transfer rate calculator Megabits Gigabits per second Megabytes per minute units - sengpielaudio
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Conversion of Data Transfer Rate Units
In the analog transmission of information of the physical size, the corresponding data are continuously impressed.
Each value is in a specified interval admissible and relevant at all times.
In the digital transmission of information in the physical size of the corresponding data are imparted discretely.
Here are several noncontiguous areas intervals allowed that are only in certain not directly successive time intervals relevant.

Bits per seconds (bps) 
Kilobits per seconds (kbps) 
Megabits per seconds (Mbps) 
Bytes per seconds (Bps) 
Kilobytes per seconds (kBps) 
Kilobytes per minute (kBpmin) 
 Megabytes per minute (MBpmin) 

The data transfer rate (bit rate) is the amount of digital data that is moved from
one place to another in a second's time. It is the speed of travel given in "bps".

Baud - a unit of digital transmission signalling speed of information transmission.
It is used to describe the rate of information flow. Given in bits per second (bps) the rate
is the highest number of single information elements (bits) transferred between
two devices in one second - such as modems or fax machines.

Decimal System

1000 bit = 1 kb = kilobit
1000 kilobit = 1 Mb = 1 megabit

1000 byte = 1000 B = 1 kilobyte
1000 kilobyte = 1 MB = 1 megabyte

1 bps
= 0.001 kbps (kb/s)
= 0.125 Bps (B/s)
= 0.45 kBph (kB/h)
= 0.0075 kBpmin (kB/min)
1 kbps = 1000 bps
= 1 kbps (kb/s)
= 125 Bps (B/s)
= 450 kBph (kB/h
= 7.50 kBpmin (kB/min)
1 Mbps = 1000000 bps
= 1000 kbps (kb/s)
= 125000 Bps (B/s)
= 450000 kBph (kB/h)
= 7500 kBpmin (kB/min)
1 Kibibyte (KiB) = 1024 byte = 210 B = 1024 B (byte)
1 Mebibyte (MiB) = 1024 KiB = 220 B = 1 048 576 B
1 Gibibyte (GiB) = 1024 MiB = 230 B = 1 073 741 824 B
1 Kilobyte (kB) = 1000 byte = 103 byte = 1000 byte
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1000 kB = 106 byte = 1 000 000 byte
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1000 MB = 109 byte = 1 000 000 000 byte

Multiples of bytes
  Value   Metric
1000 kB kilobyte
10002 MB megabyte
10003 GB gigabyte
10004 TB terabyte
10005 PB petabyte
10006 EB exabyte
10007 ZB zettabyte
10008 YB yottabyte
  Value   IEC
1024 KiB kibibyte
10242 MiB mebibyte
10243 GiB gibibyte
10244 TiB tebibyte
10245 PiB pebibyte
10246 EiB exbibyte
10247 ZiB zebibyte
10248 YiB yobibyte

Conversion: bits and bytes

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