Conversion: radians to degrees - sengpielaudio
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Conversion  radians to degrees and degrees to radians ●
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Power of 10 notation can be used as follows: 3.2×104 is entered 3.2e4

Radians Degrees Parts of π


The natural unit for measuring angles is the radian, which is derived from the formula for
the circumference c of a circle: c = 2 π × r, where r is the radius. If r = 1, then c = 2 π,
so the radian is defined such that a circle has 2 π radians. It also has 360 degrees.
1 radian = 360 / 2 π = 180 / π =57.295779513082320876798154814106 degrees
1 degree = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 radians
1 arcmin = 0.000290888208665722 radians
1 arcsec = 0.00000484813681109536 radians

Angle Degrees Part of Pi  in numbers
90 degree angle 90° π/2 1.570796327 
60 degree angle 60° π/3 1.047197551 
45 degree angle 45° π/4 0.785398163 
30 degree angle 30° π/6 0.523598775 



(180 deg)/(pi rad)

(pi rad)/(180 deg)

Conversion from radians (RAD) to degrees (DEG):
DEG = RAD × 180 / π ~ 57.296 × RAD

Conversion from degrees (DEG) to radians (RAD):
RAD = DEG × π / 180 ~ 0.01745 × DEG

Angle Conversion

arc seconds ("): 
arc minutes ('): 
radians (RAD):  = π (pi)
degrees (DEG) (°): 
gon, grade: 
percent incline, slope (%): 

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