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Der Standard-Luftdruck ist 101325 Pascal = 1013,25 hPa = 101,325 kPa.
Umrechnungstabelle für Druckeinheiten
Sortiert von tief nach hoch
Name der Druckeinheit, p | Beziehung zur SI Einheit Pascal, Pa ≡ N/m2 |
Pascal (SI unit) Pa | ≡ N/m2 ≡ kg/m·s2; N ≡ Newton |
Barye (cgs-Einheit) | ≡ 1 dyn/cm2 ≡ 0,1 Pa |
Poundal per squarefoot; pdl/sq ft | ≈ 1,488 164 Pa |
Millimeter Wassersäule (3.98 °C); mm H2O | ≈ 999,972 kg/m3 × 1 mm × g ≡ 9,806 38 Pa (≡ 0,999 972 kgf/m2) |
Pound pro square foot; psf; lb/sq ft | ≡ 1 lb/sq ft × g ≈ 47,880 259 Pa |
Zentimeter Wassersäule (3.98 °C); cm H2O | ≈ 999,972 kg/m3 × 1 cm × g ≡ 98,0638 Pa |
Torr | ≡ 101 325/760 Pa ≈ 133,322 368 4 Pa |
Millimeter Hg; mm Hg | ≡ 13 595,1 kg/m3 × 1 mm × g ≡ 133,322 387 415 Pa (≈ 1 torr) |
Inch (Zoll) Wassersäule (3.98 °C); in H2O | ≈ 999,972 kg/m3 × 1 in × g ≡ 249,082 Pa |
Pièze (mts-Einheit); pz | ≡ 1000 kg/m·s2 ≡ 1 kPa |
Zentimeter Hg; cm Hg | ≡ 13 595,1 kg/m3 × 1 cm × g ≡ 1,333 223 874 15 kPa (≈ 10 torr) |
Foot Wasser (3.98 °C); ft H2O | ≈ 999,972 kg/m3 × 1 ft × g ≡ 2,988 98 kPa |
Inch (Zoll) Hg; in Hg | ≡ 13 595,1 kg/m3 × 1 in × g ≡ 3,386 388 640 341 kPa |
Pound pro square inch; psi | ≡ 1 lb × g / 1 sq in ≈ 6,894 757×103 Pa |
Foot Hg; ft Hg | ≡ 13 595,1 kg/m3 × 1 ft × g ≡ 40,636 663 684 091 9 kPa |
Short ton pro square foot | ≡ 1 sh tn × g / 1 sq ft ≈ 95,760 518 kPa |
Atmosphäre (technisch); atm ≡ kgf/cm2 | ≡ 98,0665 kPa |
bar | ≡ 105 Pa ≡ 100 000 Pa |
Atmospäre (standard); atm | ≡ 101 325 Pa |
kip pro square inch; ksi; 1 kipf/sq in | ≈ 6,894757 MPa |
kilogram-force pro square millimeter; kgf/mm2 | ≡ 9,806 65 MPa |
Umrechnungtabelle: Druck
Umrechnung von: | nach: | multipliziere mit: |
Atmosphäre, standard (atm) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,01325·105 |
Atmosphäre, standard (atm) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 1,01325·102 |
Atmosphäre, technische (at) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665·104 |
Atmosphäre, technische (at) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 9,80665·101 |
bar (bar) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,0·105 |
bar (bar) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 1,0·102 |
Zentimeter Hg (0°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,33322·103 |
Zentimeter Hg (0°C) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 1,33322 |
Zentimeter Hg, normal (cm Hg) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,333224·103 |
Zentimeter Hg, normal (cm Hg) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 1,333224 |
Zentimeter Wasser (4°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80638·101 |
Zentimeter Wasser, normal (cmH2O) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665·101 |
Dyn pro Quadratzentimeter (dyn/cm2) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,0·10-1 |
foot of mercury, normal (ft Hg) | Pascal (Pa) | 4,063666·104 |
foot of mercury, normal (ft Hg) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 4,063666·101 |
foot of water (4°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 2,98898·103 |
foot of water (4°C) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 2,98898 |
foot of water, normal (ft H2O) | Pascal (Pa) | 2,989067·103 |
foot of water, normal (ft H2O) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 2,989067 |
Pond per Quadratzentimeter (gf/cm2) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665·101 |
Zoll Hg (0°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 3,38638·103 |
Zoll Hg (0°C) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 3,38638 |
Zoll Hg (15,5°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 3,37685·103 |
Zoll Hg (15,5°C) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 3,37685 |
Zoll Hg, normal (inch Hg) | Pascal (Pa) | 3,386389·103 |
Zoll Hg, normal (inch Hg) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 3,386389 |
Zoll Wasser (4°C) | Pascal (Pa) | 2,49082·102 |
Zoll Wasser (15,5°C) | Ppascal (Pa) | 2,4884·102 |
Zoll Wasser, normal (inch H2O) | Pascal (Pa) | 2,490889·102 |
Pond pro Quadratzentimetrer (kgf/cm2) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665·104 |
Pond pro Quadratzentimetrer (kgf/cm2) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 9,80665·101 |
Pond pro Quadratmeter (kgf/cm2) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665 |
Pond pro Quadratmillimeter (kgf/mm2) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665·106 |
Pond pro Quadratmillimeter (kgf/mm2) | Megapascal (MPa) | 9,80665 |
Kip per square inch (ksi) (kip/in2) | Pascal (Pa) | 6,894757·106 |
Kip per square inch (ksi) (kip/in2) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 6,894757·103 |
Millibar (mbar) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,0·102 |
Millibar (mbar) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 1,0·10-1 |
Millimeter Hg, normal (mm Hg) | Pascal (Pa) | 1,333224·102 |
Millimeter Wasser, normal (mm H2O) | Pascal (Pa) | 9,80665 |
Poundal per square foot | Pascal (Pa) | 1,488164 |
Pound-force per square foot (lbf/ft2) | Pascal (Pa) | 4,788026·101 |
Pound-force per square inch (psi) (lbf/in2) | Pascal (Pa) | 6,894757·103 |
Pound-force per square inch (psi) (lbf/in2) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 6,894757 |
psi (pound-force per square inch) (lbf/in2) | Pascal (Pa) | 6,894757·103 |
psi (pound-force per square inch) (lbf/in2) | Kilopascal (kPa) | 6,894757 |
Torr | Pascal (Pa) | 1,333224·102 |
Umrechnungstabelle für Druckeinheiten
psi | kPa | kg/cm2 | cm H2O |
feet H2O |
inch Hg |
mm Hg = Torr | inch H2O |
ounce per sq. inch |
Atmosphären | bar | mbar | MPa | |
psi | 1 | 6,894757 | 0,070306958 | 70,306927 | 2,306723 | 2,03602 | 51,71486 | 27,68068 | 16 | 0,068046 | 0,06894757 | 68,9476 | 0,00689 |
kPa | 0,1450377 | 1 | 0,01019716 | 10,19745 | 0,3345618 | 0,2952997 | 7,50061 | 4,01472 | 2,320603 | 0,009669235 | 0,01 | 10 | 0,001 |
kg/cm2 | 14,223343 | 98,06694 | 1 | 1000,026 | 32,809312 | 28,95901 | 735,5588 | 393,711806 | 227,57349 | 0,967841596 | 0,98066494 | 1013,25 | 0,09806 |
cm H2O Säule | 0,0142229 |
0,0980634 | 0,00099997 | 1 | 0,032808 | 0,0289581 | 0,7355372 | 0,3937 | 0,227566 | 0,000967814 | 0,000980634 | 0,9806 | 0,00098 |
feet H2O Säule | 0,433515 | 2,968961 | 0,03047912 | 30,48 | 1 | 0,882646 | 22,4192 | 12 | 6,93624 | 0,02949896 | 0,02968961 | 29,689 | 0,00298 |
inches Hg Säule | 0,4911542 | 3,386389 | 0,0345316 | 34,53253 | 1,132957 | 1 | 25,4 | 13,595484 | 7,85847 | 0,0334211 | 0,03386389 | 33,8639 | 0,00386 |
mm Hg Säule = Torr | 0,0193368 | 0,1333225 | 0,00135951 | 1,359554 | 0,0446046 | 0,039370079 | 1 | 0,535255 | 0,3093888 | 0,0013157895 | 0,001333225 | 1,33322 | 0,00013 |
inches of H2O Säule | 0,03612628 | 0,2490819 | 0,00254219 | 2,54 | 0,08333 | 0,0735539 | 1,8682683 | 1 | 0,57802 | 0,00245825 | 0,002490819 | 2,49089 | 0,000249 |
ounces per square inch | 0,0625 | 0,4309223 | 0,004394308 | 4,394308 | 0,14417 | 0,12725125 | 3,23218 | 1,73004 | 1 | 0,004252875 | 0,004309223 | 4,309 | 0,0004309 |
Atmosphären | 14,696 | 101,325 | 1,033231 | 1033,2633 | 33,8995 | 29,9213 | 760 | 406,794 | 235,136 | 1 | 1,01325 | 1013,25 | 0,1013 |
bar | 14,5038 | 100 | 1,019716 | 1019,7466 | 33,4833 | 29,53 | 750,0626 | 401,8596 | 232,0608 | 0,986923 | 1 | 1000 | 0,1 |
mbar | 0,0145 | 0,1 | 0,001019 | 1,019 | 0,003456 | 0,02953 | 0,75006 | 0,40146 | ,23206 | 0,00099 | 0,001 | 1 | 0,0001 |
MPa | 145,0377 | 1000 | 10,197 | 10197,45 | 334,56 | 295,299 | 7500,61 | 4014,74 | 2320,603 | 9,669 | 10 | 10000 | 1 |
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