Conversion of temperature units centigrade Celsius Fahrenheit farenheit fahrenhiet farenhiet Reaumur degree - sengpielaudio
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Conversion of temperature units
Enter the known temperature on the appropriate line.
The other boxes will show the conversions.
You don't need a calculate bar.

Attention: Do not re-enter the exact number of an answer.
° Fahrenheit
° Celsius
° Rankine
° Réaumur

Temperature conversion charts and conversion formulas

Some more conversions
Conversion: density units
Conversion: pressure units
Conversion: velocity (speed) units
Conversion: acceleration units
Conversion: length (distance) units
Conversion: area units
Conversion: volume units
Conversion: weight units
Conversion: force units
Conversion: power units
Conversion: energy units
Conversion: time units
Conversion: prefix units
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