Naturkonstanten - sengpielaudio
Zahlenwerte wichtiger Naturkonstanten in der Physik
Plancksches Wirkungsquantum h 6,6260755·10−34 J s
h / (2π) = 1.05457266·10−34 J s
Boltzmannsche Konstante kB 1,3806503·10−23 J/K
Elementarladung e 1,60217733·10−19 C
Avogadrosche Zahl NA 6,0221367·1023 Partikel/mol
Lichtgeschwindigkeit im Vakuum c 2,99792458·108 m/s
Permeabilität des Vakuums mu0 = μ0 μ0 = 4π·10−7 T2 m3/J
12,566370614·10−7 T2 m3/J
Dielektrizitätskonstante des Vakuums epsilon0 = ε0 ε0 = 1 /(μ0 c2)
8,854187817·10−12 C2/J m
Feinstrukturkonstante1 / alpha = 1 / α 137,0359895
Elektronenruhemasse me 9,1093897·10−31 kg
Protonenruhemasse mp 1,6726231·10−27 kg
Neutronenruhemasse mn 1,6749286·10−27 kg
Bohrsches Magneton muB = μB muB =e h / (4 π me)
9,2740154·10−24 J/T
Kernmagneton μN μN =e h / (4 π mp)
5,0507866·10−27 J/T
atomare Energieeinheit Hartree 1 Hartree =e2 / (4 π ε0 a0)
1 Hartree = 2,625501·106 J/mol
(etwa 627,5 kcal/mol)
g-Faktor des freien Elektrons ge 2,002319304386
magnetisches Moment des Elektrons mue = μe μe = -(1/2)ge μB
-9,2847701·10−24 J/T
gyromagnetisches Verh. des freien Elektrons gammae gammae =2 π ge muB / h
1,7608592·1011 1/s T
γe / (2π) = 28,024944 GHz/T
gyromagnetisches Verh. der Protonen in Wasser gammap 2,67515255e8 1/s T
γp / (2π) = 42,576375 MHz/T
Proton magnetic moment/magn. Moment des Protons mup 1,41060761·10−26 J/T
Proton-Elektron-Verhältnisse mp / me = 1836,152701
μe / μp = 658,2106881
γe / γp = 658,2275841
(protons in water)
Ladungs-Mass e-Verhältnis des Elektrons e / me 1,75880·1011 C/kg
Einheit der Atommasse amu 1,66057·10−27 kg
Bohrscher Radius a0 5,29177·10−11 m
Elektronenradius re 2,81792·10−15 m
Gaskonstante R R =NA kB
8,31451 m2 kg/s2 k mol
Molvolumen Vmol 22,41383 m3/kmol
Faradaysche Konstante F F =NA e
9,64846e4 C/mol
g-Faktor des Protons gH 5,585
Compton-Wellenlänge des Elektrons lambdac = λc λc = h / (me c)
2,42631·10−12 m
Erdbeschleunigung g 9,80665 m/s2
Gravitationskonstante G 6,673 +/- 0,010)·10−11 m3/kg s2

Name Symbol Number Exp CGS Units Relative Error
speed of light in a vacuum c 2,99792458 10 cm s-1 exact
Planck constant h 6,6260755(40) -27 erg s 0,60
h / 2 · π hbar 1,05457266(63) -27 erg s 0,60
Gravitational constant G 6,67259(85) -8 cm3 g-1 s-2 128
Electron charge e 4,8032068(14) -10 esu 0,30
Mass of electron me 9,1093897(54) -28 g 0,59
Mass of proton mp 1,6726231(10) -24 g 0,59
Mass of neutron mn 1,6749286(10) -24 g 0,59
Mass of hydrogen mH 1,6733 -24 g ?
Atomic mass unit amu 1,6605402(10) -24 g 0,59
Avagadro's number NA 6,0221367(36) 23   0,59
Boltzmann constant k 1,380658(12) -16 erg K -1 8,5
Electron volt eV 1,6021772(50) -12 erg ~0,60
Radiation density constant a 7,5646 -15 erg cm-3 K-4 ?
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ 5,67051(19) -5 erg cm-2 K-4 s-1 34
Fine structure constant α 7,29735308(33) -3   0,045
Rydberg constant R\inf 2,1798741(13) -11 erg 0,60

atomic mass constant m u 1.660539 · 10-27 kg
Avogadro constant N A 6.022142 · 1023 /mol
Bohr magneton m B 9.274009 · 10-24 J/T
Bohr radius a0 5.291772 · 10-11 m
Boltzmann constant k 1.3806503 · 10-23 J/K
conductance quantum G 0 7.748092 · 10-5 S
electric permittivity constant e 0 1/( m 0 · c 2 ) = 8.85418781...·10-12 F/m
electron Compton wavelength l c 2.426310 · 10-12 m
electron magnetic moment m e 9.284764 · 10-24
electron radius (classical) r e 2.817940 · 10-15 m
electron rest mass m e 9.109382 · 10-31 kg
electron volt eV 1.602176 · 10-19 J
elementary charge    1.602176 · 10-19 C
Euler's constant g 0.577215664901532...
Faraday constant F 9.648524 · 104 C/mol
fin e-structure constant 7.297353 · 10-3  
first radiation constant c 1 3.741771 · 10-16 W/m2
golden ratio f 1.618033988749894...
gravitational constant G 6.6732 · 10-11 N-m2 /kg2
Josephson constant K J 4.835979 · 1014 Hz/V
magnetic flux quantum F 0 2.067834 · 10-15 Wb
magnetic permeability constant m 0 4 p x10-7 = 1.2566370614... · 10-6 H/m
natural log base e 2.718281828459045...
neutron magnetic moment m n 9.662364 · 10-27 J/T
neutron rest mass m n 1.674927 · 10-27 kg
nuclear magneton m N 5.050783 · 10-27 J/T
π p 3.14159265358979323846264...
Planck constant h 6.626069 · 10-34 J-s
proton Compton wavelength l c,p 1.321410 · 10-15 m
proton magnetic moment m p 1.410607 · 10-26 J/T
proton rest mass m p 1.672622 · 10-27 kg
Rydberg constant   1.09737316 · 107 /m
second radiation constant c2 1.438775 · 10-2 m-K
speed of light in a vacuum c 2.99792458 · 108 m/s
standard volume of ideal gas V 0 2.24136 · 10-2 m3 /mol
Stefan-Boltzmann constant s 5.670400 · 10-8 W/m2 -K4
universal gas constant R 8.314472 J/mol-K
Wien displacement law constant b 2.897769 · 10-3 m-K

Die Fallbeschleunigung auf Meereshöhe ist am Äquator etwa g = 9,780 m/s2, am 45. Breitengrad g = 9,80665 m/s2 und an den
Polen etwa g = 9,832 m/s2. Je h = 1 Meter Höhe nimmt g um etwa 3·10-6 m/s2 ab, solange h klein gegen den Erdradius ist.

Name Symbol und  Formel Zahlenwert Zehnerpotenz
und Einheit
Lichtgeschwindigkeit im leeren Raum (Vakuum) 2,997 924 58 108 m·s-1 (exakt)
Magnetische Feldkonstante 4 p = 12,566 370 614… 10–7 N·A-2 (exakt)
Elektrische Feldkonstante 8,854 187 817… 10–12 F·m-1 (exakt)
Gravitationskonstante 6,6742(10) 10-11 m3 ·kg-1 ·s-2 1,0·10-4
Plancksches Wirkungsquantum, Planck-
6,626 0693(11) 10-34 J·s 1,7·10–7
Plancksches Wirkungsquantum, Planck-
1,054 571 68(18) 10-34 J·s 1,7·10–7
Elementarladung 1,602 176 53(14) 10-19 C 8,5·10–8
Elementarladung 2,417 989 40(21) 1014 A·J–1 8,5·10–8
Sommerfeld-Feinstrukturkonstante 7,297 352 568(24) 10-3 3,3·10–9
Sommerfeld-Feinstrukturkonstante 137,035 999 11(46)   3,3·10–9
(magnetisches) Flußquant 2,067 833 72(18) 10-15 Wb 8,5·10–8
Josephson-Konstante 483 597,879(41) 109 Hz·V-1 8,5·10–8
von Klitzing-Konstante 25 812,807 449(86) Ohm 3,3·10–9
Ruhemasse des Elektrons 9,109 3826(16)

10-31 kg


Ruhemasse des Elektrons   5,485 799 0945(24) 10-4 u 4,4·10–10
  - Energieäquivalent in MeV 0,510 998 918(44) MeV 8,6·10–8
Rydberg-Konstante 1,097 373 156 8525(73) 107 m-1 6,6·10–12
Ruhemasse des Protons 1,672 621 71(29) 10-27 kg 1,7·10–7
Ruhemasse des Protons   1,007 276 466 88(13) u 1,3·10–10
  - Energieäquivalent in MeV 938,272 029(80) MeV 8,6·10–8
Verhältnis Ruhemasse des Protons
zu Ruhemasse des Elektrons
1 836,152 672 61(85)   4,6·10–10
Ruhemasse des Neutrons 1,674 927 28(29) 10-27 kg 1,7·10–7
Ruhemasse des Neutrons   1,008 664 915 60(55) u 5,5·10–10
  - Energieäquivalent in MeV 939,565 360(81) MeV 8,6·10–8
Avogadro-Konstante 6,022 1415(10) 1023 mol-1 1,7·10–7
Faraday-Konstante 96 485,3383(83) C·mol-1 8,6·10–8
Universelle (molare) Gaskonstante 8,314 472(15) J·mol-11 ·K-1 1,7·10–6
Boltzmann-Konstante 1,380 6505(24) 10-23 J·K-1 1,8·10–6
Stefan-Boltzmann-Konstante 5,670 400(40) 10–8 W·m-2 ·K-4 7,0·10–6

Quantity Symbol Value
speed of light in vacuum c 299 792 458 m·s-1 (defined)
permeability of vacuum μ0 4π × 10-7 N A-2 (defined)
         4π × 10-7 = 12.566 370 614... × 10-7 N A-2
permittivity of vacuum ε0 = 1/(μ0c2) 8.854 187 817 ... × 10-12 F·m-1
characteristic impedance of vacuum Z0 = μ0c 376.730 313 461... Ω (defined)
gravitational constant G 6.672 59(85) × 10-11 m3·kg-1·s-2
Planck's constant h 6.626 068 76(52) × 10-34 J·s
Dirac's constant h = h / (2π) 1.054 571 596(82) × 10-34 J·s
Planck mass mp = (hc / G)1/2 2.1767(16) × 10-8 kg
Planck length lp= (hG / c3) 1/2 1.6160(12) × 10-35 m
Planck time tp = (hG / c5)1/2 5.3906(40) × 10-44 s
elementary charge e 1.602 176 462(63) × 10-19 C
electron rest mass me 9.109 381 88(72) × 10-31 kg
proton rest mass mp 1.672 621 58(13) × 10-27 kg
neutron rest mass mn 1.674 927 16(13) × 10-27 kg
atomic mass constant, (unified atomic mass unit) mu = 1 u 1.660 538 73(13) × 10-27 kg
Avogadro's number L, NA 6.022 141 99(47) × 1023
Boltzmann constant k 1.380 6503(24) × 10-23 J·K-1
Faraday constant F 9.648 534 15(39) × 104 C·mol-1
gas constant R 8.314 472(15) J·K-1·mol-1
zero of the Celsius scale   273.15 K (defined)
molar volume, ideal gas, p = 1 bar, θ = 00C   22.710 981(40) L·mol-1
standard atmosphere atm 101 325 Pa (defined)
fine-structure constant α = μ0e2c / (2h) 7.297 352 533(27) × 10-3
  α-1 137.035 999 76(50)
Bohr radius a0 5.291 772 083(19) × 10-11 m
Hartree energy Eh 4.359 743 81(34) × 10-18 J
Rydberg constant R 1.097 373 156 8549(83) × 107 m-1
Bohr magneton μB 9.274 008 99(37) × 10-24J·T-1
electron magnetic moment μe -9.284 763 62(37) × 10-24 J·T-1
Lande g-factor for free electron ge 2.002 319 304 386(20)
nuclear magneton μN 5.050 786 6(17) × 10-27 J·T-1
proton magnetic moment μp 1.410 607 61(47) × 10-26 J·T-1
proton magnetogyric ratio γp 2.675 221 28(81) × 108 s-1·T-1
magnetic moment of protons in H20, μ'p μ'p / μB 1.520 993 129(17) × 10-3
proton resonance frequency per field in H20 γ'p / (2π) 42.576 375 (13) M·Hz·T-1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ 5.670 400(40) × 10-8 W·m-2·K-4
first radiation constant c1 3.741 774 9(22) × 10-16 W·m2
second radiation constant c2 1.438 769 (12) × 10-2 m·K
standard acceleration of free fall gn 9.80665 m·s-2 (defined)

Einige dieser angenommenen physikalischen Konstanten stellen sich
als einfache "Umrechnungsfaktoren" heraus.

How many truly fundamental constants are there? Why do they have the values they
have? Just slight deviations in the values of some constants would make carbon
based life impossible; this is where the so-called "anthropic principle" comes in.
Will we eventually be able, with a "Theory of Everything" (TOE) to calculate all natural
Nobody knows. We run against the deepest physical questions at this point.
So let's just look at what we have. Since it is customary to list as natural constants
some quantities that are actually computable from others, we include some of these
so-called "constants" here, too.

 Symbol and
 Numerical value  Magnitude and unit  Remarks
Speed of light in vacuum
c0, c 2.997 924 58 108 m·s−1 Truly fundamental
Gravitational constant
G 6.673 10−11 m3·kg−1·s−2 Truly fundamental
Planck's constant
h 6.626 068 76 10−34 J·s Truly fundamental
4.1356 10−15 eV·s
Elementary charge
e 1.602 176 462 10−19 C Truly fundamental?
Maybe not
Fine structure constant
α = µ0·c·e2/2h 7.297 352 533 10−3 Unitless, maybe more
fundamental than others.
Mass of a electron at rest
me 9.109 381 88 10−31 kg
Not truly fundamental;
can be calculated in principle
0.510 998 902 MeV
Mass of a proton at rest
mp 1.672 621 58 10−27 kg Not truly fundamental,
can be calculated in principle
1.007 276 466 u
938.271 998(38) MeV
Avogadro constant
NA 6.022 141 99(47) 1023 mol−1 Not truly fundamental any more
Faraday constant
F = e·NA 96 485.3415(39) C·mol−1 Not truly fundamental any more
Universal gas constant
R 8.314 472(15) J·mol−1·K−1 Not truly fundamental any more
Boltzmann constant
k = R/NA 1.380 6503 10−23 J·K−1 Truly fundamental
8.617269 10−5 eV·K−1
Magnetic permeability of vacuum
µ0 = 1/e0c2 12.566 370 614 10−7 V·s·A−1m−1 Not truly fundamental
Electric susceptibility of vacuum
ε0 = 1/µ0c2 8.854 187 817 10−12 A·s·V−1m−1 Not truly fundamental
Magnetic flux quant
Π = h/2e 2.067 833 636 10−15 Wb Smallest possible magnetic flux
Not truly fundamental

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